Radka definitely knows how to tease. She also loves sexy clothing and this dress was really good choice. She moved her body on my dick like a wild cat!

Radka definitely knows how to tease. She also loves sexy clothing and this dress was really good choice. She moved her body on my dick like a wild cat!
December 30, 2012 at 9:11 pm
yet another nice clearly real girl, just such a shame the guy your using is a dickless wonder.Surely you can do better than this tired old Mr.floppy? he is beyond a joke
January 2, 2013 at 11:07 am
Mr. floppy is ashamed of his floppyness and wants you to know that he’s just been upgraded to a hard drive, thanks for your interest! 🙂
December 24, 2012 at 10:30 am
I love this site, you have an amazing job. However, I am wishing that you could climax more often then just a few times. I mean there are girls all over you sometimes and I feel that you need to finish the show. Cum on their face or tits or something, don’t just leave us hanging all the time. We all love a good facial or tit shot every time. So finish it off more please and thanks.
January 2, 2013 at 11:38 am
Hey DV, thanks for the compliments! On this side of things I can tell you that I also tend to like a good messy facial. Suggestion much appreciated, will definitely deliver 🙂
December 18, 2012 at 11:38 pm
Wow, that must have been frustrating, and not in a good way. It was frustrating to watch you go through that! She is very pretty with a very nice figure, but she seemed more like a professional than an amateur. She was very careful not to have any contact with your cock, except through clothing and just a little with the side of her hip at the end.
I give you credit for trying, though. She would appear to have promise. And I’m not saying she had to give you a blow job for it to be good. But she seemed like she was putting on a show for herself and not for you. You didn’t even need to be there. I hope if you have her back she decides to “get into it more” like there’s another person in the room. And I’m not trying to be mean or anything. Maybe she’s just being careful, as one should be these days. But I much prefer watching you with someone like Radka who really is more like an amateur and appears to be having a lot of fun pleasing you!
December 19, 2012 at 9:39 am
Some good thinking here. Thanks!
It’s true, that the level of chemistry is different with each girl. It’s also true that usually it’s easier to turn on the girls that are more Radka-like, rather than the ones focusing a lot on putting up a good show… I’ll keep your suggestion in mind and thanks again
December 19, 2012 at 11:19 pm
That makes sense about the chemistry. It would be very difficult for each session you post to be more awesome than the previous session, so I do get that sometimes there are some that don’t appeal to me as much. But that’s also just me. Someone else may like the more dancy showy type while I like to watch the ones that look like reality. Anyway, you have a great life and there are a million guys who would love to trade places with you! (and please don’t burst our bubbles by replying that you’re empty inside and wished that you could find the perfect girl to settle down and get married to! 🙂